Course Descriptions
ASTR 16: An Infinity of Worlds: Planets and the Search for Life
Instructor: WITTENMYER (Sponsored by: PASACHOFF)
Less than a generation ago, we wondered, as we had for millions of years
before, whether there were any other planets at all. Now, we are
privileged to be in the first generation of humans to know that many of
the points of light dusting our night sky are host to orbiting worlds,
some of which may be like our Earth. In this course, we will explore
the techniques that are being used to discover these new worlds. We
will make our own contributions to this great age of discovery, by using
remotely-operated telescopes in Australia to gather data on new planets.
This course, meant for non-majors, will deal with the science of planet
hunting, the astounding diversity of planets known to exist, the
emerging science of astrobiology, and the enduring question of “are we
alone?” through works of science fiction and cutting-edge research.
Prerequisite: none,
Enrollment: limited to 20
Course meeting time: mornings
ASTR 31: Senior Research
Instructor: PASACHOFF)
To be taken by Astronomy students registered in Astro 494,494
Course meeting time: TBA